Memorial Day 2023

May 29, 2023
Jim Bertram

On behalf of the KMHS Board, we wish you all a safe Memorial Weekend as we all take some time to reflect on our blessings and remember the men and women who made the supreme sacrifice for us all.

In gratitude, as well,  for our Kassel Mission crew members who have now mostly passed.  In the past 12 months 2 more of our KM crew members, Ray Lemons and Jim Dowling, have passed.  Rest in peace gentlemen.

Jim Baynham is now our sole lone (known) survivor.  Jim maintains a very entertaining blog - sharing his experiences with a terrific attitude that admirably shows the power of positive thinking to age gracefully. A powerful characteristic likely shaped by his war experiences. Thank you Jim!

Lastly, we have mentioned in past KMHS messages about our 8 MIA’s and how, for their families, Memorial Day is every day… until they have closure.   KMHS members, in working with the DPAA, (Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency), have made significant efforts and time contributions to help locate, recover and identify these 8 KM crew members.  We were ecstatic this past fall when the DPAA confirmed and announced that 2, and likely a third, of our 8 MIA’s have been identified.  The closure for the families of such findings is greatly appreciated with some families considering public memorial services and internment in Arlington National Cemetery - possibly this coming fall.

To those who fought and perished, to those who fought and survived and to those souls who are still considered MIA - we salute you once again.