Veterans Day 2024: Honoring the 80th Anniversary of the Kassel Mission and the 445th

I am honored to be a Veterans’ son and most honored to be part of an association dedicated to the Memory of our 445th’s Veterans.
Having just recently returned from Tibenham, England and Friedlos, Germany, Marcie and I had the privilege to meet and participate with 48 other individual family and friends of Kassel Mission crewmen on an a terrific 80th anniversary trip. For most travelers this became a journey of discovery. A series of events over 6 days that truly exposed what the men of the 445th accomplished in 1944, their sacrifices and their lasting legacy. Many stories were shared and emotions flowed, rightfully so. Also highlighted by the unsolicited expressions of appreciation from those living in the UK and Germany today.
On Veterans Day many will have thoughts, prayers and wonderful words to share. On 9/27/24 our KMHS group got to take that one more step and actually participate in an event that honors their memory. It’s an annual event every September 27th in Friedlos. When Americans make the pilgrimage, to both Friedlos and Tibenham, the locals are remarkably generous and knowledgeable hosts. They too recognize the sacrifices.
As a country we owe a lot to all our Veterans. As an organization we our proud of our 445th crewmen. We shall continue to honor them into perpetuity. The memorial built and dedicated in Friedlos in 1990 assures us of that fact.

As a member of KMHS, you too can participate in our association. We have 117 who perished on the Kassel Mission. All are listed on our website but many are only represented by a silhouette. We have an obligation to do more for each. And we will…but you can help! Please reach out to me if you would like to help with research on any of our 117 KIA’s. I can get you started to be part of the KMHS “Adopt a KIA” project. Little could be more honorable than to extend the memory of each of these veterans.
Noteworthy, that just this passed Friday, November 8th, former Kassel Mission MIA, S/Sgt. John Tarbert was reinterred in Saratoga NY. He was the father of our board member John Elliott and a waist gunner on the B-24 “Mairzy Doats”. We salute you John Tarbert, who is now the 4th of our Kassel Missions original 8 MIAs that has been identified and returned home. To read about the ceremony:
On behalf of the KMHS board, all the best to each of you on Veterans Day 2024!